Since any sort of hacking or lying to enter into a system is illegal according to this law, a normal internet user could technically be prosecuted for what is now considered normative online behaviour. For example, it's forbidden to access a protected computer — but many people do this all...
Data protection has therefore become a multi-jurisdictional issue in this borderless digital world, and countries around the world have developed regulatory frameworks to specifically address and protect against loss of privacy. India is still at a relatively nascent stage when it comes to data ...
VPNs provide some amount of privacy and anonymity, but in case the VPN keeps logs, you still are at risk of getting caught. Besides, hacking, stalking, or cyberbullying is simply awful. In essence, using a VPN doesn’t change the legal status of any online activity you might perform....
Lex Cyberia is dedicated to spreading awareness on cyberlaws among all stakeholders and guiding the development of Internet law in India. Our team consists of experts and professionals including cyberlawyers, intellectual property experts, technical experts, forensics investigators and consultants with the...
Leveraging AI in Prevention and Protection of Women Against Cybercrime in India: A Paradigm Shift of Criminal Law in the Making Innovative strategies are required for the efficient prevention and defense of legal rights considering the serious problems that the growth of cybercrime ... Dey, Alice,...
(vi)A document executed outside India is not valid unless it is ___.(0) (vii)Whoever commits ‘hacking’ shall be punished with ___.(0) (viii)Digital signature is recognised as a valid method of ___.(0) (1 mark each) (b)Write ...
Lookie here, now: As long as we’re “ejacatin the ejacators” “Yale Law School policy may discriminate against Christian groups, Sen. Ted Cruz says.” Again, same question…any reverse discrimination is stilldiscrimination. Passings:Bill Isles, co-founder of chart-topping The O’Jays, de...
Atul filed a suit against Ali in the court for compensation. Is the suit instituted by Atul maintainable ? Give reasons by referring to relevant case law. (0) (6 marks ) (b) Abhay’s agricultural land was purchased by the government for the purpose of construct...
While there may be a global consensus with respect to legal enforcement and internet censorship against certain offences such as Child pornography, Cyberwarfare, threat to national security and cyber terrorism, different countries may completely differ in treatment of certain other serious issues such as...
in India’, edited by Nandan Kamath, op.cit., 2000 4 Apart from such relatively well pointed issues as security, hacking or virus, privacy and IPR, indeed, there are many other issues with which individuals and businesses must be familiar ...