Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform | TED Talk 我们使用 Cookie 以允许我们网站的正常工作、个性化设计内容和广告、提供社交媒体功能并分析流量。我们还同社交媒体、广告和分析合作伙伴分享有关您使用我们网站的信息。 Cookie 设置 接受所有 Cookie ...
In 2007, just afterhis last TED Talk, Lessig announced he was leaving the field of IP and Internet policy, and moving on to a more fundamental problem that blocks all types of sensible policy -- the corrupting influence of money in American politics. ...
If the 99% vote, the “corruption” is irrelevant. If 99% vote, a win by a poorly funded third-party is possible. As Lessig said in the TED talk, “It’s solvable by being citizens.” However, decades of free market fundamentalism, neoliberalism, have replaced cr...
原“少年共和党”成员拉里莱斯格认为,关于版权问题,民主党人可以从保守的共和党那里学到很多。提供了看待混搭文化的全新视角。 这篇的PPT很值得学习。作为两党经济文化上的观点差异科普也不错。 我们应该在何处保持免费从而享受市场与公共物品的和谐关系?市场与非市场必需共存,这是保守派的观点。 保守派的第二点是关注...
In a TED first, on the same day his talk premieres, Lessig is releasing a new TED Book expanding on the ideas he presented on stage. In Lesterland: The Corruption of Congress and How To End It, Lessig takes on the deep flaws in our campaign finance syste...