Category:County Government - Lawrence Journal-World: news, information, headlines and events in Lawrence, Kansas
To the editor: How could the German people have allowed Adolf Hitler to take absolute power and commit monstrous acts? Hitler did it gradually, so people did not realize the terrible ultimate results until it was too late. Trump is following the same playbook. Hitler blamed all problems on ....
Misty Bosch-Hastings, director of the Homeless Solutions Division, and Jill Jolicoeur, the assistant county administrator in Douglas County, presented a plan during extreme weather events that can provide around 200 beds for people needing shelter. Jolicoeur s...
To mark World AIDS Day on Monday, the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department will offer education and free HIV testing at the following locations: • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. — Kansas Union, 1301 Jayhawk Blvd. • 3-5 p.m. — Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St. The Health Departmen...
without regard to its conflict of laws or provisions, and you agree that jurisdiction and venue in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to any of the foregoing shall be exclusive in the state court located in Douglas County, Kansas or the United States District Court for the Distr...
To the editor:This is a reply to Miss Jinkens letter of Feb. 7. Her comments were totally illogical, ridiculous and outright fabrications. She links s
• The Community Children’s Center is hosting an Early Childhood Family Resource Fair, 10 a.m.-noon at Kennedy Elementary School, 1605 Davis Road. Free family activities, food and drink and the chance to connect with community resources and suppor...
system and environmental changes to pave the way for the county to achieve “functional zero” homelessness by 2028, meaning the number of people experiencing homelessness never exceeds the community’s capacity to move folks into permanent housing. Final approval of the plan ...
Two days after the mayor spoke, the Douglas County District Attorney’s Officesaid it would not prosecuteany cases under SB 180, calling the law cruel and hateful. On June 6, members of the public called on the City Commission not t...
“In fact, the project violates the comprehensive plan’s binding requirements to preserve Douglas County’s most fertile agricultural land,” the attorneys wrote in the lawsuit filing. The lawsuit also takes exception to how the county has handled ...