android:theme="@style/AppTheme" android:largeHeap="@bool/config_largeHeap" android:restoreAnyVersion="true" android:supportsRtl="true" > <!-- Main launcher activity. When extending only change the name, and keep all the attributes and intent filters the same --> <activity android:name="app....
11-alpha nightly v14.0.0-beta2 v14.0.0-beta1 v12.1.0-alpha.4 android-t-beta-3 android-mainline-12.0.0_r113 android-mainline-12.0.0_r111 android-platform-12.1.0_r4 android-platform-12.0.0_r8 android-platform-11.0.0_r19 android-security-12.0.0_r36 ...
Lawnchair v1 stable is out, brings Pixel Launcher features to any Android Lawnchair v1 Stable is now out! If you haven't heard of it, it brings Pixel Launcher features to any Android device. Check it out! By Adam Conway Jun 11, 2018 Today's best deals This laptop packs incredible...
v2018-10-11 安卓版 应用大小:4.36 MB 应用语言:中文 应用类型:国产软件 / 教育学习 应用授权:免费软件 更新时间:2021-03-31 10:45:58 应用等级: 应用厂商:- 应用平台:Android 应用官网: ITMOP本地下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) ...
Well I'm specifically looking to download Lawnchair 2, which is the latest version in the Google Play Store (and Lawnchair 1 is the latest version in F-Droid). Lawnchair 11 (is that what they're calling it now) also don't work on my device since it requires Android 11 and is also ...
Lawnchair – Pixel 风格的原生 Android 启动器 - 小众软件: Lawnchair 是一款还在开发中的 Android 启动器,Pixel Launcher 风格,整合 Google Now,有众多定制功能,喜欢原生的同学可.. (分享自 @小众软件) h...
Lawnchair驱动器魔趣订制版是一款专为魔趣打造出的一款手机桌面驱动器,Lawnchair是纯原生态的安卓系统页面,干净整洁漂亮,标志ui自成一派,安裝后从页面到标志排序都是会使你感觉焕然一新。 手机软件详细介绍 遵循Android 原生态设计标准开发设计,确保了正宗的原生态「血系」,与此同时添加了充足的定制选择项。根据安卓系...
Lawnchair 10.0 Alpha 8: • Addresses an issue with At a Glance where adding calendar events as a data source would show the weather instead. • Resolves crashes on Android 11. • Introduces the Android 11 app closing animation on devices with a recent version of Launcher3 installed. ...
lawnchair也是有名的桌面启动器了,但是致命的缺点就是不能用自带的全面屏手势,只能用三大金刚键,实在是很伤心 之前也问过大佬,大佬一看我连root都没root,就丧失了沟通的耐心。然而我在偶然中发现,虽然没root不能通过框架或者面具自己➕手势,但是可以用软件解决 ...