How to check for cutworms in your lawn:Dig into an infected area of your lawn after sundown. Feel free to throw on some gardening gloves and sift around the soil to find these curly caterpillars (they’ll curl up into a C-shape when disturbed). If you detected cutworms in your lawn,...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Girl of Two Dies under Her Father's Lawnmower" - Daily Mail (London), May 17, 2003Daily Mail (London)
The main thing Is have all the tools and items you need to do a complete service so when your putting the mower away for the winter you will be ready to re-fuel & charge the battery for starting the machine for it's first cut in the spring and not get caught out with No battery ...
Before you do anything with the lawnmower you should disconnect the sparkplug. This will leave no chance of the engine starting with you working on it. It is better to loose a few second than loose a few fingers! It is also be a good idea to wear some working gloves, because engines...
Plants include Veronica chamaedrys, Viola adunca, Plantago major (eco-friendly here, invasive in a few parts of WA state), Ajuga reptans, 5% clover (in our climate, it dies out after 2-3 years so at 5% level we don’t see bare spots), potentilla anserina plus our native Fragaria ...
To test this out, remove the air filter and spray some carburetor cleaner into the carburetor opening behind where the filter sits, then try starting the mower. If it runs for a second but then dies, that’s a good indication your carburetor is clogged. Trevor Raab Pinch off the fuel ...
Take-all Root Rot It starts with chlorotic, yellow to light green patches; grass eventually turns brown, thins out, and dies Leaf blight Irregular patches with blighted, straw-colored, or brown grass; often appear overnight Gray snow mold Whitish or straw-like circular or irregular patches; ...
Cytospora usually affects aspen trees damaged by lawnmowers, machines, insects, improper pruning, sunscald, etc.: It usually enters the tree through wounds on the bark. It can also infect healthy bark; however, if your tree is suffering from drought conditions, insect infestations, and other ...
For various reasons, old turf sometimes deteriorates dramatically or dies out completely. Overseeding with an improved grass seed mixture can get new turf growing in bare areas as well as “sprucing up” areas where the turf is thin and unhealthy looking. ...
Robbinston Man Dies in Lawn Mower AccidentBillings, Johanna S