美剧《黄石》系列之 《执法者:巴斯.里夫斯》第一集“自由之身” Lawmen: Bass Reeves 09:43 踏破铁鞋无觅处,宿敌终现身”最新美剧《黄石》系列之 “执法者:巴斯里弗斯Bass Reeves”第5集 10:15 新仇旧恨,生死交锋一触即发《执法者:巴斯.里夫斯》第六集剧情解析 ...
Lawmen: Bass Reeves《执法者:巴斯·里夫斯(2023)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: MARCH 1862 1862 年 3 月 稳住 Steady! 守住战线 Hold the line! 坚持住 守住战线 Hold that linel Hold the linel 守住战线 Hold the linel 守住战线 Hold the linel 11 兵团的英勇战士们...
Lawmen: Bass Reeves《执法者:巴斯·里夫斯(2023)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 是不是我做错什么 惹上帝生气了 You suppose I did something to make the Almighty angry? 祂只是在教你 He just teaching you. 说我不是农民的料 That I ain't a farmer? 世事艰难 需要耐...
Lawmen: Bass Reeves《执法者:巴斯·里夫斯(2023)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,MARCH 1862 1862年3月 稳住 Steady! 守住战线 Hold the line! 坚持住 守住战线 Hold that linel Hold the linel 守住战线 Hold the linel 守住战线 Hold the linel 11兵团的英勇
Lawmen: Bass ReevesRelated Videos 1:26 Official Teaser Trailer Lawmen: Bass Reeves 1:16 Lawmen: Bass Reeves Teaser Trailer (UK) Lawmen: Bass Reeves 1:49 Lawmen: Bass Reeves: Trailer 2 Lawmen: Bass Reeves 1:43 Lawmen: Bass Reeves: Trailer 2 (UK) Lawmen: Bass Reeves 1:49 Official...
Dontyousee?Heavenisfullofkillers,BassReeves. 你一直待我不薄 Youwasgoodtome. 也请这么对他们 Begoodtothemnow. 知道我为什么过来吗 KnowwhyImhere? 你想做最后的道别吗 Wanttosayyourgoodbyes? 等你像我一样 Whenyouvesatonthisbench, 在这条长凳坐了很久后 ...
Español (España) Español (México) Lawmen: Bass Reeves(2023) Directed by(2) Writing credits(13) Cast(160) Produced by(21) Music by(1) Cinematography by(2) Editing by(6) Casting By(1) Production Design by(1) Art Direction by(3) ...
我能帮你 里夫斯副警长 I can help you with that, Deputy Reeves. 你是比利·克劳吗 You Billy Crow? 我知道他们把偷马车的赃款藏在哪儿了 I know where they hid the money they took from that stagecoach. 咱俩可以去找找啊 巴斯 We might investigate this, Bass. 那我就自己干了 I ain't asking....
我 巴斯·里夫斯 I, Bass Reeves, 庄严宣誓 do solemnly swear. 我 巴斯·里夫斯 庄严宣誓 I, Bass Reeves, do solemnly swear... 我将忠实地执行 that I will faithfully execute. 我将忠实地执行 that I will faithfully execute. 美国法警的 all lawful precepts 合法命令 directed to the Marshal of the...
Lawmen: Bass Reeves《执法者:巴斯·里夫斯(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,巴斯为正义奉献一生 Bass is dedicated to justice. 有时候这种奉献让他 Seems sometimes theres 再也容纳不下任何东西任何人 hardly much room for anything or anyone else. 我