VIC:Council of Legal Education and Board of Examiners Queensland:Queensland Law Society South Australia:The Law Society of South Australia Western Australia:Western Australia Legal Practice Board Tasmania:The Law Society of Tasmania Northern Territory:The Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australian ...
A postcolonial understanding of law and society: exploring criminal trials in colonial Queensland. (2003). A postcolonial understanding of law and society: exploring criminal trials in colonial Queensland. Australian Journal of Legal History, 7, 2, 231... S Gouglas,JC Weaver - 《Australian ...
13 geïnteresseerden. Bekijk wie er aanwezig zijn ✭ exposeren ✭ spreken ✭ schema & agenda ✭ beoordelingen ✭ timing ✭ toegangsprijs. De editie 2025 van het Queensland Law Society Symposium wordt gehouden in het Brisbane Convention & Ex
from government.]]>Reports on a major overhaul of Queensland's legal profession by the state government following a scathing report on the Queensland Law Society in parliament. Possible loss of the society's disciplinary powers; Complaints against ambulance-chasing firm Baker Johnson.Vere-Jones...
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(2019). Queensland police to get new powers to search climate change protesters. Retrieved June 3, 2024, from Guild, E., Vavoula, N., & Apatzidou, V. (2023...
出版地区:Australia 创刊时间:暂无数据 是否预警:否 出版周期:暂无数据 语言:English 研究方向:Social Sciences - Law《法律技术与人类》(Law Technology And Humans)是一本以Social Sciences-Law综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Queensland University of Technology出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦...
The Supreme Court of Queensland recently delivered a landmark judgment (the Owen-D’Arcy judgment) on the operation of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). The HRA is Australia’s most recently enacted human rights statute joining those already in force in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territ...
Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal (Australia) Home Ship or Aircraft to Your Position (Radiotelegraphy) Quad Utility VehicleSamples in periodicals archive: 00 Hardcover Law casebook series KF6369 Two professors from the Quinnipiac University School of Law explain the basic incom...
School of Political Science & International Studies, University of Queensland, QLD 4071, Australia.;Blackwell Publishing LtdJournal of Law and SocietySullivan, Barbara. 2010. When (Some) Prostitution is Legal: The Impact of Law Reform on Sex Work in Australia. Journal ...