但是这个时候的solicitor是solicitor with a restricted practising certificate,要靠两年实习才能换成unrestri...
andbringintofullplay theroleoflawyersintheconstructionofsocialistlegal system. Theterm"lawyer"asmentionedinthisLawreferstoa practitionerwhohasobtainedthelawyer'spractice certificateinaccordancewiththelawandhasbeenentrusted orappointedtoprovidelegalservicestothepartiesconcerned. Second. Lawyersshouldsafeguardthe...
In correspondence seen by NewsWire, the Law Society of NSW confirms “an individual with the name Jacqueline Scruby” does not hold a current practising certificate issued by the Council of the Law Society. In another letter, the Law Society says “they are considering the steps that may be ...
(full name as on identify card or practising certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract) I have read and accepted the EnrolmentConditions attached to the course flyer. Occupation: I am(please tick as appropriate) a Solicitora Barristera Trainee Solicitor (others,please specify) : Sol...
avoid confusion, reference to Bar Council of Malaysia actually means those having the rights to practise in Malaya (West Malaysia). There is now a self-"regulatory" body in Sabah named Sabah Law Society (SLS) which issues "annual" certificate (AC) and members have to use this to apply ...
(full name as on identify card or practising certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract)I have read and accepted the Enrolment Conditions attached to the course flyer.Occupation: I am (please tick as appropriate) a Solicitor a Barrister a Trainee Solicitor (others, please specify) ...
“2. Where an industrial property representative no longer satisfies the business or practising conditions stipulated in Articles 154 and 155 of this Law, the State administrative body for industrial property rights shall withdraw the industrial property representation service practising certificate, delete ...
Pollock illegally practising law, society allegesWelch, Mary Agnes
“执业证明书”(practisingcertificate)指根据第10A条发出的证明书;(由1977年第50号第2条增补) “注册”(registered)─ (a)就药剂师而言,指姓名已根据第5条载入药剂师名册内的人; (b)就处所而言,指已根据第13条载入处所注册纪录册内的处所; (c)就医生而言,指根据《医生注册条例》(第161章)妥为注册的人或...
the High Court of Australia and is also admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. Melita holds a current principal's practising certificate. She is a member of the Queensland Law Society (QLS); Family Law Practitioners Association (FLPA); and previously volunteere...