Ilya Somin
Law School Rankings Law School GPA and LSAT CAS GPA Calculator To calculate your estimated CAS GPA, please enter your credit hours according to grade. Each column is for a different grading system. Most schools only use one grading systems, so you will probably only input your grades into ...
Some have fixed grading curves while others don’t even use an A-F grading system. These cultural factors can create a learning environment in which some students will thrive while others may feel disengaged or even pressured to drop out. When picking a law school, t...
testing to an exam that prioritizes legal skills, reasoning, and problem-solving. Therefore, there is no better time for law students to rethink how they prepare — not just in bar prep season, but throughout law school. Here’s what law students can do now to set themselves up for ...
Admissions officers understand that STEM classes have difficult grading curves. Read: What Is a Good College GPA for a Law School Applicant? Don't write an addendum if it conveys information made obvious by other application materials like your transcripts, resume and essays. For exa...
I first learned about public domain citations after law school, when I was working on a fifty-state survey. I was completely used to parentheticals that included the deciding court and the year of decision, so I couldn’t understand the examples I found from certain states. I thought that...
Grading systems of the institutions [It is recommended that receiving institutions provide the statistical distribution of grades according to the descriptions in the ECTS users’ guide7. A link to a webpage can be enough. The table will facilitate the interpretation of each grade awarded to studen...
grading normalization plansThis article explores various methods of grade normalization used by law schools. Based on a survey of 116 responding ABA accredited law schools, 84% have some form of grade normalization policy, and the trend is toward adoption of grade normalization. The survey assessed...
(ceiling and floor effects, changes in criterion reliability, and unequal units of measurement in the grading of minority and nonminority students) and substantive factors such as course selection patterns, differences in the academic demands of each law school year, and support systems available to...
In order to ascertain whether consistency in making pair comparisons would be useful as a predictor of first-year law school grades, consistency scores from the Legal Traits Tests were correlated with grades at four schools of law. None of the linear correlations was significantly different from ...