UVA Law School介绍 UVA Law School位于弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville),在2022年U.S. News法学院排名为No. 8。今年的UVA Law School的申请截止日期为2022年3月3日。它的全日制学费是$68,500(州外),师生比为7.1 : 1。其刑法(Criminal Law)和税法(Tax Law)方面则排名第四。而今年的入学学生的数据如...
UVA Law School位于弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville),在2022年U.S. News法学院排名为No. 8。今年的UVA Law School的申请截止日期为2022年3月3日。它的全日制学费是$68,500(州外),师生比为7.1 : 1。其刑法(Criminal Law)和税法...
More about the UVA School of Law. Next:5 (tie). Duke University (NC) 37/47 Credit 5 (tie). Duke University (NC) 2022 median LSAT score: 170 2022 acceptance rate: 10.7% More about Duke University School of Law. Next:5 (tie). Harvard University (MA) 38/47 Credit 5 (tie). Harvar...
T15法学院中,西北、哥大、UVA、康奈尔、乔治城、UCLA六所法学院的Go-To排名表现好于其US News排名;宾大的两项排名一致,均为第4名;杜克、芝加哥、NYU、伯克利四所法学院的Go-To排名表现不及其US News排名。 而总体来看,两项排名差异最大...
8. University of Virginia School of Law Overview UVA Law blends the rigorous study of legal principles with a focus on involvement in practical skills and professional ethics, creating a well-rounded environment for future legal practitioners. ...
University of Virginia Law School Overview The full-time program application fee at the School of Law at University of Virginia is $85. Its tuition is full-time: $71,200 (in-state) and full-time: $74,200 (out-of-state). The student-faculty ratio is 5.5:1. + Show More At-a-Glance...
T15法学院中,西北、哥大、UVA、康奈尔、乔治城、UCLA六所法学院的Go-To排名表现好于其US News排名;宾大的两项排名一致,均为第4名;杜克、芝加哥、NYU、伯克利四所法学院的Go-To排名表现不及其US News排名。 而总体来看,两项排名差异最大的法学院与去年相同,仍为霍华德大学法学院(Howard University School of Law...
Guest Lecture at UVA School of LawJames C. Morphy
Ranking Lists Name Top 10 Law Schools in 14 Categories—UVA #1 on 3 Lists NEW YORK, December 8, 2020 / —The Princeton Review®—the education services company known for its test prep, tutoring, and college and grad school rankings—today released its ranking lists ofBest Law Schools for...
西北大学法学院 Pritzker School of Law atNorthwestern University 常年位于美国法学院 Top14之列。根据“AboveThe Law”的权威排名,西北大学法学院排名在前十。不少美国 500 强企业的法律总监、著名大所合伙人都出自西北大学法学院。西北法学院的优势学科有商法、税法、国际和争议解决。西北法学院素来以 business-...