At the time the Shers and Leidermans designed and built their homes there were no trees on either lot. But over the years both the Shers and the Leidermans, as well as their neighbors, landscaped their properties. As noted above, the Shers’ landscaping was designed to enhance and comple...
Houston also has a particulartree and shrub ordinancethat provides standards for planting trees and shrubs and installing landscape buffers. The ordinance protects the city’s greenery by offering incentives to property owners to preserve and care for existing trees on private property. The city of A...
Land, Trees, and Property Boundaries By Larry E. Bray, P.A. | Posted on January 15, 2025 When we buy or own property, we are distinctly aware of the boundaries—we know where our property ends and begins, and where our neighbors’ property does the same, and we know what is on o...
Rob enjoys representing homeowners and landowners in disputes between neighbors, and is knowledgeable concerning legal issues related to trees, fences, restrictions, and wetlands. Rob also enjoys advising residential and commercial landlords and tenants. He handles summary process cases regularly, and advis...
When Heidi Miller-Lagro and Kent Lagro returned to their home in Medicine Lake on the afternoon on October 21, 1992, they were shocked to discover that Northern States Power Company and Asplundh Tree Company had cut down several trees that were located on the city right-of-way between ...
This field of law encompasses disputes between neighbors that can include matters such as determining where a boundary line is or issues involving overhanging trees and vegetation. It can also involve violations of a restrictive covenant or disrupted drainage patterns due to construction work on a nei...
creation of law; but if, on the other hand, a constitutional system foresees the separation of the legislative functions from the functions of government, obliging the latter to enforce the laws emanating from the former, the distinction between the Rule of Law over the rule of the men is ...
Ethics: Guiding the Trolley: Perspectives on Professional Ethics in Eminent Domain for Lawyers, Appraisers, and Right of Way Agents "I Think I Shall Never See" Just Compensation For a Tree: Strategies to Securing Recovery for Trees, Crops, and Fixtures ...
Normally, owner-to-owner disagreements between neighbors in a homeowners’ association or condominium association fall outside of the association’s authority or jurisdiction, but not necessarily when the disagreement reveals a more-sinister motive: discrimination. HOAs and condos are subject to the ...
on November 15, 2024 The attorneys at Brewer Offord & Pedersen LLP have handled many disputes that arose between neighbors with respect to trees. In an effort to educate our network of California property owners, as well as our followers, we hope you will find[Read More] ...