On 18 January 2024, Vietnam’s new Law on Credit Institutions was passed (the “New Law”) by the National Assembly. The New Law notably includes a number of provisions around the governance of banks, as well as early intervention from the State Bank of Vietnam (the “SBV”) and other...
The Draft Law proposes various changes to the current Law on Credit Institutions, such as amendments to the governance and operation of credit institutions, limitation on ownership in credit institutions, and credit extensions, etc. In particular, the areas that have attracted the most attention from...
The requirement for some European member states to grant aids to their credit institutions under the banking directives is explained. The article also covers the application of European Community competition rules to public and private credit institutions and their pursuit of services of general economic...
Forpurposesofthislaw,the“financialinstitutionsofthebankingindustry”refertothefinancialinstitutionsestablishedinthepeople’srepublicofchinathatreceivedepositsfromthegeneralpublic,including,amongothers,commercialbanks,urbancreditcooperatives,andpolicybanks. TheprovisionsoftheLawpertainingtotheregulationofandsupervisionoverthe...
Clyde & Co is a dynamic, rapidly expanding global law firm focused on providing a complete legal service to clients in our core sectors of Insurance, Construction, Energy, Marine, Trade and Aviation.
American law schools present themselves as stately and storied institutions, but they compete in a tenuous market for funding, faculty, students and their tuition. Unsustainable schools shut down, and new schools open. This competition has led to innovations like online...
Don't see your school on this list? Access the U.S. News Law School Compass to find tuition and fees figures, complete rankings and much more. School officials can access historical data and rankings, including of peer institutions, via U.S. News Academic Insights. Updated on July 23, 20...
Several related strands of literature on law, institutions, finance, and economic growth have emerged in financial economics in recent years, and their impact on other areas of research has been significant. First, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, Vishny (LLSV hereafter) and others have pro...
candidates can use a credit card, debit card or net banking details for online payment. They have to visit the nearest AP online Centre to pay the application fee in offline mode. The AP LAWCET 2025 application fee is Rs. 900, 850, and 800 for OC, BC and SC/ST categories respectively...
Law No. 243/2024, which came into force on 11 November 2024, introduces several measures to ensure fair treatment of consumers in relation to the total cost of credit and the assignment of claims.The law applies to relationships between consumers, non-banking financial institutions, and entities...