The application of MBM to morality and by extension to professional ethics echoes the step of ‘Right Conduct’ in the Noble Eightfold Path –samma kammanto– which involves ‘a call to understand one’s behaviour more objectively before trying to improve it’ and ‘to reflect on actions with ...
In my recentbookI stress the importance of students identifying their own unique ‘moral compass’ – their sense of right and wrong behaviour that can stem from a combination of a host of factors including one’s upbringing, religion, and values along with their professional ethical codes (Pear...
© Mark Pearson 2022 – the moral right of the author has been asserted. Leave a comment Filed under blogging, communication, contempt of court, defamation, Internet, journalism, journalism education, libel, media law, media literacy, online education, open justice, podcast, public relations, re...
Chambers delivers rankings on the leading firms worldwide and includes detailed information about their rankings, lawyers, departments and offices. Each of the firms on this page have been ranked in the most recent ranking guides including Global, Europe, UK and UK Bar, Asia, Canada, Asia-Pacifi...
The other day I reached the kitchen for some jelly,and there it was.Sitting all ___ on the far side of the shelf was a small jar.The lid was rusty.As I picked up the jar,I suddenly realized something that I had ___ to see earlier.Yes,this was the ___ jar we would ever have...
Most other law firms consider only the technical and legal aspects of patent writing, because they don’t have thebusiness and entrepreneurial experiencethat we do. We identify the value to protect in your invention using our business insight. When writing your patent application, we apply language...
this matter. As a result of this failure, Defendant UL Amin has not properly appeared or filed any answer, response, or other papers in this matter. Any papers filed by Defendant Hammad Ashiq do not constitute a proper defense or pleading by Defendant UL Amin because, as explained above, ...
Innovator Cranfield University, U.K.: Putting down the toilet lid activates a dry flush. The motion turns a set of gears that drop feces and urine into a pan, where they are separated and either combusted into ash that can be thrown away or filtered into clean water that could be used...
The key recent New Zealand case of scandalising the court,Solicitor-General for NZ v. Smith(2004), also raised issues of free expression in relation to that country’s Bill of Rights Act. The case was explained well by Cheer (2004). The High Court found MP Nick Smith had made several ...