自2015年12月14日起,香港开始施行新的竞争条例。其有效程序包括培训,监督,报告系统,需哟所有的企业都确保已做好准备。 该条例旨在禁止“业务实体”阻止、限制或扭曲香港的竞争——甚至这样做的企图。业务实体被定义为从事经济活动的任何实体,无论其法律地位或融资方式如何。该条款也适用于联合企业作为一个经济单位运营...
Ning, SusanArculli, RonaldWaters, Peter
27 February Hong Kong SFC Consults on Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Hong Kong’s new Virtual Asset Service Provider Regime 20 February HKEx Issues 7th Listed Issuer Regulation Newsletter 15 February HK Companies Ordinance to Allow Fully Virtual & Hybrid General Meetings 13 February HKMA to Adop...
Estate planning: succession planning for business owners in Hong Kong is handled by our team of lawyers who specialize in the creation of trusts and also in drawing up wills; this can be an important process and it can cover both the personal and the business assets of a company owner in ...
The Government of the HKSAR owns the copyright in the text of every Ordinance (including subsidiary legislation) of Hong Kong (Legislation), the layout of such text in HKeL and the typographical arrangement of Legislation published in HKeL in accordance with the Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528)....
《西北条例》 Northwest Ordinance 《(新)香港公司条例》 New Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Decree 在判例法国家,decree指衡平法院、海事、离婚,以及继承法院的判决,也是一种法律渊源。在苏格兰写作“Decreet”例如:《马塞多尼令》 Macedonian Decree 离婚判决 decree of divorce 以上就是各个“法”的区别...
The bill, also known as Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, seeks to prohibit five acts that endanger national security while updating provisions within existing laws. It was the unrest that convulsed Hong Kong in 2019, which was orche...
Charltons provides a full range of company law and corporate secretarial services, covering the entire life cycle of various corporate entities in Hong Kong
[...]Registration Rules (Cap. 159 sub. leg. S) (the principal Rules) made by the CouncilofThe LawSociety of Hong Kong under section 73 of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159) with the prior approval of the Chief Justice, if a person with less than two years of post-qualificat...
“IRD”) has jointly implemented the simultaneous business registration applications on registration of LPFs. An LPF applicant who applies for registration of an LPF under the Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance (Cap. 637) (“LPFO”) will be deemed to have made a simultaneous application for ...