: a statement in psychology: in trial-and-error learning satisfying or successful behavior is repeated whereas unsatisfying or unsuccessful behavior is not Dictionary Entries Near law of effect law of dominance law of effect law of gravitation See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style ...
Law report, in common law, published record of a judicial decision that is cited by lawyers and judges for their use as precedent in subsequent cases. The report of a decision ordinarily contains the title of the case, a statement of the facts giving ris
DominanceNotification defines “dominance” as the scenario where foreigners have the controlling power or influential power in policy making, management and operation of the telecommunications business of the licensee by way of, among others, holding shares with half or more than half of the total ...
Tim’s uncompromising commitment to legal excellence, his passion for the law, his exuberance for any work composed by Gustav Mahler, and his unrelenting belief that the rule of law will ultimately prevail over the societal challenges we are now experiencing,” Bergeson wrote in a statement. ...
The first Islamic bank has opened in Morocco after a long time of rejection by the country's authorities, according to a statement by its central bank on Wednesday. Hong Kong promotes "Belt and Road" scholarship in UK Hong Kong SAR is promoting its Scholarship for "Belt and Road" Students...
IV. Abuse of Dominance 11. Significantly lightened burden of proof for market dominance The New Antitrust JIs stipulates the evidentiary standards applicable to preliminarily determine the market dominance of an undertaking, including: (a) the undertaking maintains prices significantly higher than the com...
Exception to Mendel's law of dominance is found in flower colour of View Solution An exception to Mendel's principles/ Mendel did not include in his discoveries. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Cl...
” Now, a generative artificial intelligence platform from the Chinese developer DeepSeek is exploding in popularity, posing a potential threat to US AI dominance and offering the latest evidence that moratoriums like the TikTok banwill not stop Americansfrom using Chinese-owned digital services…In ...
China is making major revisions to its antitrust law for the first time in more than 11 years to give it more teeth while reining in the dominance of the country’s internet goliaths. A draft revision of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, released last week by the State Administration for Market...
This suggests that lesbians are not subject to male dominance and exploitation. Boryczka, in exploring how virtue and vice have been used as a discursive political tool to create a class of suspect citizens, argues that lesbians who engaged in BDSM practices have been accused of replicating “...