18.0.11 autoprefixer: ^10.4.14 class-variance-authority: ^0.4.0 clsx: ^1.2.1 cmdk: ^0.2.0 common-tags: ^1.8.2 dotenv: ^16.0.3 eslint: 8.36.0 eslint-config-next: 13.2.4 github-slugger: ^2.0.0 gpt3-tokenizer: ^1.1.5 lucide-react: ^0.128.0 mdast: ^3.0.0 mdast-util-from-mar...
thisparagraph 2, RfL may, after consulting the Operator,notify theOperator of thepassenger carrying capacityof any rolling stock vehicles orclass ofrolling stock vehicles comprising the Train Fleet following such change and RfL may do sofollowing therefurbishment of the DMU Fleet described inparagraph...
From the domestic view, health law has been a priority under the Healthy China 2030 Plan [3] and the 14th Five-Year Plan [4]. In addition, health law education can have a promising future since it has been identified as one of the new interdisciplinary disciplines, which is a development...
As a result, the annual average of wind speed on the sites fell into class 1 category, which reflected a low wind speed region [16]. Other than that, many prior studies have estimated the potential of wind energy only based on the average wind speed [17]. Nonetheless, some researchers ...
and the fully loaded cost of a patent investment is USD 40,000—even with a high probability of a power-law or FiguBrleac7k.SPwoarntfeovlieontr,eittuisrndifpfircoubltatboirlietaychafbtreerak1e0v,0e0n0dMueotontteheChairglhocsoismt ouflaptaitoenntsi.ng a large percentage of nonperforming ...