Economics I: Examination Paper for B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) S Year, 1st Semester bài tập môn kỹ năng thực hành pháp luật Joint Liability under Indian Penal Code: Analyzing Sections 34 and 149 Filter by type of document ...
One of my lab partners thought that we should connect the ohmmeter across the load while it was powered. Once we realized that we were on the wrong track and that the way to get the resistance values is through calculations, everything started to come together. We then went on to take ...
LLB(Hons)Law 1stYear–overallaverage74%1st •UnderstandingLaw78%1st •ConstitutionalLaw75%2:1 •LawofContract71%2:1 •LawofTorts71%1 st 2ndyearmodulesfor:CommercialLaw,LandLaw,EC/EULawandCriminalLaw. (Enter2ndyearmarkstoo,ifsendingoffCVaftersemesterexamsinJanuary) ...
b就是算U12=ϕ1−ϕ2。 a就是带进去算一下,b利用电场强度等于电势的负梯度来计算,c和d可以自己研究一下画图。 内容引用自慕尼黑工业大学课程 Principles in Electrotechnology of Winter Semester 2023/24.