法律谚语 Law is order,and good law is good order. 法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——古希腊哲学家亚里士多德 In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. 在文明的生活中,法律漂浮在道德的海洋上。——厄尔·沃伦 The prince is not above the laws, but the ...
Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就...
Law is order, and good law is good order.法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society.法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。Law is the science of what is good and just.法乃善良公平之道。Law is law, just or not.无论正义与否,法律就是法律。Law...
#法律[超话]# Law is order, and good law is good order. ——Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher 法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德
20.Law is established for the benefit of man. 法是人类利益而制定的。 2Law is law,just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 2Law is mind without reason. 法律是无由的理念。 2Law is order,and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。
23.Law is order,and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 24.Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 25.Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 26.Law must be stable and it cannot ...
Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 Law is mind wit...
23.Law is order, and good law is good order. 法律即秩序,好的法律形成良好的秩序。 24.Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。 25.Law is the science of what is good and just. 法乃善良公平之道。 26.Law must be stable and it cannot...
20.Law is established for the benefit of man. 法是为人类利益而制定的。 21.Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 22.Law is mind without reason. 法律是无由的理念。 23.Law is order, and good law is good order. ...
20.Law is established for the benefit of man. 法是为人类利益而制定的。 21.Law is law, just or not. 无论正义与否,法律就是法律。 22.Law is mind without reason. 法律是无由的理念。 23.Law is order, and good law is good order. ...