Cambodia, U.S. operations in Grenada and Panama, and occupations during the Persian Gulf crisis. To address the new issues that have emerged, Eyal Benvenisti formulates a contemporary theory of the law of occupation and establishes guidelines for the lawful management of occupation. In his new...
WhileprimarilydesignedtoassistintheimplementationoftheECOWASInitialPlanof ActionagainstTraffickinginPersons(2002-2003),thistrainingmanualpublishedin2006, isusefulforlawenforcersactingagainsttraffickingeverywhere.Sectionsofthemanualare devotedtothenormativeframework,traffickingmethodology,investigativeprinciples, ...
Hinz E Cambodia: Human trafficking crisis driven by cyberscams. Accessed 29 Sept 2022 (Deutsche Welle, 12 September 2022) Europol and Eurojust Public Information (2019) Common challenges in combating cybercrim...
SEA countries often have different expressions of socio-cultural values and interests that may be understood as more communitarian compared to the individualism often expressed in Anglo-American countries. Prior research from SEA has explored stakeholder perspectives from Cambodia and Vietnam on matters ...
This fully updated new edition contains expanded coverage of national trials under universal jurisdiction, international criminal tribunals including the International Criminal Court, new hybrid tribunals in Cambodia and elsewhere, truth commissions, and lustration. It also explores individual accountability ...
The China-Cambodia Poverty Reduction Demonstration Cooperation Project in Mok Kampoul District, Kandal Province of Cambodia, has bolstered the capacity of local communities through investment and development projects based on the local conditions, thus raising production and living standards. The Wanbao ...
We are a full service general practice law office in the Kingdom of Cambodia, serving our clients’ needs since 2010. We have a well-established reputation as a major legal services provider in Cambodia with a clear vision for our clients’ success and growth, earning trust from both local ...
which has provided over 275 research memoranda to the Prosecutors of the Inter- national Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tri- bunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, the Special Tribunal for...
Vietnam & Cambodia – January 2022 BIPO continues its global expansion in 2022 with our colleagues in Cambodia and Vietnam moving to larger premises as our teams continue to expand and increase in numbers. - About us At BIPO, we help businesses transform and digitalise, enabling them to ...
international humanitarian lawECCCinternational criminal lawThis chapter examines an issue that has been less discussed, that of the crimes related to the international armed conflict between Cambodia and Vietnam. In Duch the Court reluctantly sets itself to t...