The “drag and drop” capability offers translations of documents uploaded into the system in one of three formats: PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. Though this capability is available for free, users must create an account on the system; anonymous use is not possible (another of DeepL’s odd rest...
For example, where a conservation law conflicts with a law governing mining, the latter usually prevails in practice (Organization of American States [OAS] 2015). Unclear or overlapping laws open the way to judicial challenges that can delay or block the implementation of measures to protect the...
—“Welcome to the Wild, Wild North: Conscientious Objection Policies Governing Canada’s Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Dental Professions,” by Jacquelyn Shaw and Jocelyn Downie (pp 33–46). [emergency contraception and conscientious objection, Italy] “Whose Self-Determination? Barriers to Access...
In an age when transparency is a maxim, important issues which the laws governing arbitration currently fail to address are the extent to which disclosure of information can be constrained by private agreement … Continue reading → Posted in Format, International Law, Law, pdf | Leave a comment...
The importance of the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols was reflected in the establishment of war-crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia (1993) and Rwanda (1994) and by theRome Statute(1998), which created anInternational Criminal Court. ...
During the 20th century important restrictions on the freedom of action of states began to appear. TheHague conventionsof 1899 and 1907 established detailed rules governing the conduct of wars on land and at sea. TheCovenantof theLeague of Nations, the forerunner of theUnited Nations(UN), restri...