When you do online marketing for lawyers, you want to ensure you include a strategy to build up reviews and testimonials for your firm. These two elements are critical to your firm’s success because people want to partner with a lawyer that drives results. People who hire your law firm ch...
If you want your law firm to succeed and expand, you need to constantly attract new leads. Your company’s marketing strategy shouldreflect your expertise, target market, and business objectives. Marketing your personal injury law practice successfully requires you to stayclose to your own case sp...
Are you looking for a resource to help you put together an effective digital marketing strategy for your local law firm? You’re in the right place. It’s said that in 6 out of 10 firms, the attorneys handle marketing themselves. As you run the business, most of your time is spent ...
The Importance of a Solid Law Firm Marketing Strategy With the correct approach, law firms can quickly create and execute an effective marketing strategy, regardless of what legal services they provide. Follow the steps listed below, and you will have a solid foundation to work from to help ...
Most lawyers struggle to generate consistent client leads. We fix that! We develop custom digital marketing services proven to get more customers. Request a free custom strategy from our experts! Send My Custom Strategy OurLaw Firm MarketingSpecialties ...
With clear marketing goals in mind, they turned to our law firm internet marketing experts to develop a robust internet marketing strategy. This case study outlines the marketing efforts employed, focusing on search engine marketing and competitive marketing techniques, which ultimately resulted in a ...
Law Firm Marketing Priorities When crafting a digital marketing strategy, we take the unique intricacies of each client and business we work with into account, the same way that law firms do when working with their own clients. Learn more about our priorities when working with law firms to boo...
Social Media Is a Key Player in Your Law Firm Marketing Strategy If you aren’t including social media in your law firm marketing strategy, you may not be reaching important parts of your target audience. Social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and others, increase...
Dirk Derrick, owner of the Derrick Law Firm, joined the FWM family about 12 years ago and currently works with Senior Digital Marketing Strategist John Spare. Together, they’ve developed a winning strategy for law firm growth that...
Grow your law firm with digital marketing and SEO services for Lawyers. We’re a full-service law firm digital marketing agency. Free Website Audit.