Several related strands of literature on law, institutions, finance, and economic growth have emerged in financial economics in recent years, and their impact on other areas of research has been significant. First, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, Vishny (LLSV hereafter) and others have pro...
Litigation ranks it as a tier 1 firm in handling bankruptcy, commercial, antitrust, international arbitration, and finance-related crime (white-collar) litigation. It has been awarded “Americas Law Firm of the Year” almost every year since 2015 by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR)...
China is an important counterexample to the findings in the law, finance, and growth literature: Neither its legal nor financial system is well developed by existing standards, yet it has one of the fastest growing economies. We compare growth in the formal sector (state-owned and publicly trad...
Evidence on Gibrat's Law and the persistence of profits in the long run Three panel unit root tests are applied to a 31-year firm size, growth and profit rate data set for 96 large, quoted UK firms. All tests reject the unit root null for log size if the Augmented Dickey Fuller ...
Law Firm Growth in a Down Economy.The article examines the growth of a law firm in a down economy. During economic recessions, it is noted that all firms have competitive positions that allow them to gain market share if appropriate actions are taken at an optimal time. It cites that the...
With $450M in new revenue — and counting — generated for clients, we're continually building a community of the fastest-growing firm owners.
With $450M in new revenue — and counting — generated for clients, we're continually building a community of the fastest-growing firm owners.
External Finance, Firm Growth and the Benefits of Information Disclosure: Evidence from Finland In this paper we study the relation between firm-level disclosure quality and the availability of external finance to firms. Using data on Finnish firms th... A Hyytinen,M Pajarinen - 《European Journ...
With $450M in new revenue — and counting — generated for clients, we're continually building a community of the fastest-growing firm owners.
2 Law, finance, and firm growth The corporate finance literature suggests that market imperfections, caused by conflicts of interest and informational asymmetries between corporate insiders and investors, constrain firms in their ability to fund investment projects. The magnitude of these imperfections ...