Phys. Rep. 276, 177–221 (1996). 49. Damski, B. The simplest quantum model supporting the kibble-zurek mechanism of topological defect production: Landau-zener transitions from a new perspective. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 035701 (2005). 50. Damski, B. & Zurek, W. H. Adiabatic-impulse ...
The velocity of peoascihtiopnaratliuclped. aFtiegiusrme 1odsehloewd sacacporsdeuindgot-ocopdt+e1 d=e spct r+ib (i(ncgosthφet),a(lgsionrφitth))m ∙ ivc, implementation. We discovered an exceptionally interesting system with the parameter set PPS =...
Ilnivaidngditeiomnu, ltshioen sepcoolnydmpeeraizkactoionnta, itnhseberaxnisctheensceanodf tlhoenhgy-cdhraoidnynbaramnicchveoslucmoueldbebcoemoevserslmooalkleerdthbaencatuhseecoorfreaspreolnadtiivnegly linneaarrropwolMymWeDrs.oTf hperopdeuacktspeoplayrmateiorsn. could be difficult in the usual ...
future internet Article An Income Model Using Historical Data, Power-Law Distributions and Monte Carlo Method for University Technology Transfer Offices Ken Polasko 1, Pedro Ponce 2,* and Arturo Molina 2 1 IGF Consulting, 12090 E. Columbine Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85259, USA;
1996. The User Fee goal date for this application is January 27. 1997. II We have completed the review of dlis application and have concluded that adequatd iDfonnation bas been presented to demonstrate tbat the drug is safe and effective for use as r~nded in Ihe fmal 1·printed ...
Yeo et al. [14] used an improved elastic contact model to investigate the contact between a coated asperity and a rigid flat, and to study the asperity contact stiffness. The results were also verified by the FE results. Goltsberg and Etsion [15] used the FE method to explore the ...
Dasgupta et al. [58] who studied the effects of regulation and management policies at the plant level in the adoption of environmental practices, concludes that factors such as market management systems and subsidizing by the regulator when there is weak regulation can be useful tools for ...
s wtaonhtaeilnn dccoiocsnatsto.i drTethriianst gti hst heaehn il goihwndeensicte arrtgeoysri dgteehnnateti raatlh tipeo rnihcpiegsoh.t eTnehnteiea rblgeiyss to gvreenlracetorioamtnip oiensn 1sp:a3ot.et5ed nfbotirya ...
Modelling of a pool using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by Cloteaux et al. [16] also led to the conclusion that the residence time distribution obtained from the CFD model of a simple rectangular pool with inlets at the shallow end and outlets (sumps) in the deep end was very ...