Legal Protection of Medical Records as Evidence of Law Enforcement Process in the Court based on Article 50 letter (a) of Law Number 29 Year 2004 concerning Medical Practices. Medical records can be used as a means of proof as regulated in Article 18...
The National Administration for Market Regulation recently released a law‑enforcement guide for ‘medical beauty’ advertising. The guide stipulates that any company hoping to publish or appoint an agent to publish medical beauty ads must first obtain a medical institution licence and a medical adver...
Although prescription forgery is a crime, the prescriber's responsibility for reporting to law enforcement is not clear under current state and federal law. Federal laws and regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), do not permit prescribers in all ...
The 2006 - 2015 NEISS-AIP was queried for all records with intent of injury coded as legal intervention. Legal intervention included injuries sustained during interaction with law enforcement or other legal authorities, but potentially could also include security guards and bar bouncers. Cause of inju...
There has been some justification for these “delivery services” because the legislature only recently provided for the establishment of dispensaries to serve the needs of medical marijuana patients. In the past, law enforcement has allowed these businesses to maintain their delivery business because th...
Drug, Device and Life Sciences Exempt Organizations – Health Care Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) Financing Long Term Care Facilities Franchising – Health Care Health Care Enforcement Actions and Investigations Health Care Bankruptcy and Distress ...
An agent can helpfully obtain medical records to inform new attending physicians of important past medical history. The Health Care Directive can even provide legal authority for the agent in a healthcare setting, allowing the agent to sign waivers or releases as needed. The abilities of an ...
Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness Volume 18, Issue 1, 1997 Special Issue: Needle Exchange and AIDS Prevention: Advances and Controversies in Public Health and Social Policy Translator disclaimer Impact of law enforcement on syringe exchange programs: A look at ...
In the wake of increased federal enforcement of immigration policies, health care entities need to understand the impact those policies may have on their operations from a personnel and patient perspective. The interplay between immigration enforcement and patient privacy requirements is an equally importa...
A large sting operation took place over a few days and multiple law enforcement agencies captured and arrested 5 men in the Texarkana area for alleged online solicitation of a minor and solicitation of prostitution. The Texarkana Texas Police Department joined forces with investigators from the Bowie...