The explanation for this phenomenon is uncertain, however, several authors have described an association between an increase in civilian fatalities and increased “militarization” of law enforcement tactics, secondary to an influx of military equipment and training of law enforcement [27, 28]. The ...
running .training 1 runway 1 rural 2 rural tourism 1 rust 14 rusticolus 1 rusty 22 rusty steel 9 rusty steel background 3 rusty steel pattern 5 Rutland 2 rye 2 rye bread 2 ryegrass 1 S 54 sad 1 safe 2 safety 33 safety vest 2 saga 1 sail 7 sail ...
Law enforcement employees usually wear various equipment to help them perform their duties. The equipment may include a firearm or TASER / Stun Gun, baton or club, mace or pepper spray, two-way radios, handcuffs, a bulletproofvest, and more. For more information on the standard equipment, see...
期刊名称:《FBI law enforcement bulletin》|2014年第1期 20.Leadership Spotlight: Assertiveness 机译:领导力聚焦:自信 作者:Deborah Southard 期刊名称:《FBI law enforcement bulletin》|2014年第10期 21.Unusual Weapons: Pepper Spray Key Ring 机译:不寻常的武器:胡椒喷雾钥匙圈 ...
He had a history of great respect for law enforcement, and planned for the officer who (he believed) would kill him to be rewarded as a "hero." There was a drum of diesel fuel in the back seat of the car (it was never ignited). The bumper-sticker phrase "suicide by cop" isn'...
Adkins LD (2003) Oleoresin capsicum: an analysis of the implementation of pepper spray into the law enforcement use of force continuum in a selected police department. Electron. Theses Diss.86. D. Adkins, "Oleoresin Capsicum: an Analysis ...
He had a history of great respect for law enforcement, and planned for the officer who (he believed) would kill him to be rewarded as a "hero." There was a drum of diesel fuel in the back seat of the car (it was never ignited). The bumper-sticker phrase "suicide by cop" isn'...
In the world of law enforcement, there are a wide variety of specialized terms and acronyms that can be difficult to decipher for those outside of the field. One such acronym is DSO, which stands for Domestic Security Officer. DSOs are typically responsible for protecting individuals, families,...
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He had a history of great respect for law enforcement, and planned for the officer who (he believed) would kill him to be rewarded as a "hero." There was a drum of diesel fuel in the back seat of the car (it was never ignited). The bumper-sticker phrase "suicide by cop" isn'...