The meaning of LAW ENFORCEMENT is the department of people who enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests : the police. How to use law enforcement in a sentence.
:common law b(1) :the control brought about by the existence or enforcement of such law The Indian government is believed to have detained thousands of other people last year … . The government said the move, decried by critics as draconian, was necessary to maintainlawand public order in...
law enforcement meaning, definition, what is law enforcement: the job of making sure that the law is o...: Learn more.
take the law into one's own hands,to administer justice as one sees fit without recourse to the usual law enforcement or legal processes: The townspeople took the law into their own hands before the sheriff took action. at law(def). ...
Law enforcement officialhas the same meaning as the term "law enforcement official" at 45 C.F.R. § 164.103. By-law Enforcement Officermeans a person appointed as such by the City to enforce City by-laws. Bylaw Enforcement Officermeans a person or persons appointed from time to time by ...
Law enforcement officialhas the same meaning as the term "law enforcement official" at 45 C.F.R. § 164.103. Enforcement Datemeans the first date (if any) on which a Super Senior Creditor takes enforcement action of the type described in paragraphs (a)(i), (a)(iii), (a)(iv) or (...
What does DCI stand for in law enforcement? What does deposed mean? What is the meaning of abeyance in law? What does policing enforce? What is the law enforcement code of ethics? What does Mo stand for in criminal justice? What is the legal definition of surveillance?
What is law enforcement accreditation? What is municipal law enforcement? What is the law enforcement entrance exam? What is CAT in law enforcement? What is the law enforcement code of ethics? What is the Department of Homeland Security police? What is the meaning of law enforcement? What are...
Law enforcement official has the same meaning as the term "law enforcement official" at 45 C.F.R. § 164.103. Compliance Enforcement Authority means NERC or the Regional Entity, or any entity as otherwise designated by an Applicable Governmental Authority, in their respective roles of monitoring ...
The meaning of LAW is a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. How to use law in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Law.