Law Clerk ProgramProgram Information Law Clerk Program Description Law clerks are trained to provide many important and highly specialized administrative duties related to the legal field. As a result, this profession has become an increasingly valuable resource to law firms and businesses alike. ...
Ontario Courtmeans the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Supreme Courtmeans the North Carolina Supreme Court. Tribal Courtmeans a court with jurisdiction over child custody proceedings and that is either a Court of Indian Offenses, a court established and operated under the code of custom of an ...
applicable benefits. It is understood, however, that during such leave the nurse shall be deemed to be an employee of the Ontario Nurses' Association. The nurse agrees to notify the Hospital of her or his intention to return to work at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of such ...
On June 18, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision inCity of Ontario California v. Quon. Slip Op No. 08-1332. You may remember that the Ninth Circuit had found that a city’s discharge of a police officer for inappropriate use of a pager violated ...
His salary was $125 a month. Christmas card that reads: “To John Whitelaw from Helen Martin. Here’s thanks for getting my tonsils fixed.” One of John’s tasks was to help people get basic medical care, using a combination of private charity and public money. The profession of social...
andsalary plan, andbudgetary constraints. If a committee clerk believes that due toa fundamental changein theroles and responsibilitiesassigned tothe committeeclerk position,a change inthe employee's classification or pay grade is appropriate, the committee clerk shall make therequest in writingto the ...
Pension Benefits Actmeans The Pension Benefits Act of Ontario and regulations thereunder as amended from time to time. City Managerial Employeemeans the City Manager, the Assistant City Manager, the City Clerk, and any City department head or director. In the event CONTRACTOR violates the provision...
Employees on jury duty shall be entitled to their full salary for the time spent in jury duty, upon presentation to the District of the monies paid for jury duly, and the District shall he entitled to receive from each employee on jury duty a certificate from the Clerk of the Court ...