Law and Order 13,085 pages in:Characters,SVU Characters,Accomplices, and8 more Sign in to edit Eddie Shaw Name Eddie Shaw Affiliation Melody Quinn Pathology Pimp Serial proxy rapist Accessory to murder Status Unknown Actor Jojo Gonzalez
Drea Clark was an abortion activist who witnessed the murder of Becca Carter. After Becca was found dead, Detectives Frank Cosgrove and Jalen Shaw questioned Drea who called 911 after Becca was murdered. Cosgrove and Shaw then find security footage which
I've seen most if these people on Law & Order SVU. scb_mt_enth_2020 Law Order CI 5x17 Vacancy OpenSubtitles2018.v3 She has made guest appearances in Cold Case, ER, Law & Order, and Robot Chicken. WikiMatrix The law ordering the closest male relative to marry the female heir aros...
Law and Order Television Series Q&A Why did Jamey Sheridan of Law and Order CI wear an eyepatch? Asked by Wiki User Jamey Sheridan wore an eyepatch on Law and Order: Criminal Intent because his character, Captain James Deakins, was injured in the line of duty. It added a touch of mystery...
Law and Order:SVU 第一、二季有系列凶手的相关剧集,到第三季时则开始有心理分析和心理画像雏形。我现在就在看第三季,少数几集完全能和CM联想到一起。(不过当然各有特点啦!) 因为看过CM,再看SVU的时候,我对于儿童受害者家属的扮演总能挑剔起来,因为CM分析过,受害儿童的家长通常都会互相指责,夫妻二人还会...