8.0/10(995) S1.E20 ∙ Remorse Fri, May 5, 2000 An investigative reporter bravely airs a piece about her own rape that occurred 2 months earlier. Her description of the men that attacked her results in fresh leads and unexpected turns of events along the way. ...
When did Donald Cragen join SVU? Cragen first appeared as captain of the Manhattan SVU in the Law & Order: SVU series premiere ("Payback") in 1999. He made guest appearances on the original Law & Order as the SVU captain in Season 10, Episode 14 ("Entitled") and Season 15, Episode ...
He was very good in the episodes entitled "Rage," and "Rooftop". They are led by Don Cragen, played by Dann Florek, and Cragen is as good a captain as any, as Florek reprises his role he held on "Law & Order" for a few years. Adam Beach recently joined the show, bringing ...
in an episode also called "Entitled." Benson makes a tough opponent for ADA Jack McCoy in a trial that airs the dirty laundry of a politically influential family.SVUwas still in its first season, and it's interesting to look
They and other SVU detectives are even more exasperated when they learn that one of the women (guest star Jenny Bacon) admits that she knows who the assailant is -- but won't tell because he now is a member of her church. Richard Belzer, Dann Florek and Michelle Hurd also star. 15....