Law & Order: SVU, the first series spun from the powerful Law & Order franchise, is a hard-hitting and emotional drama that chronicles the life and the investigations of the elite Special Victims Unit of the New York City Police Department. Having become one of TV’s most-watched programs...
(Ice-T), adds his unique sense of humor and investigative experience, making him a formidable match for Munch. Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak (Diane Neal) brings closure to the intense investigations with her legal expertise. The forensic psychiatrist, George Huang (B.D. Wong), whose ...
When the parents’ stories don’t add up, the detectives must uncover what really happened to the missing baby, and the truth surprises everyone. Also starring Dann Florek (Captain Donald Cragen). Special appearances by Diane Neal (ADA Casey Novak) and Tamara Tunie (M.E. Melinda Warner). ...
When a rape victim in an SVU case is arrested for the murder of her ex-boyfriend, Suffolk County DA Pam James (guest star Jane Kaczmarek) lands the case and swiftly brings charges against the young woman. Detective Benson (Mariska Hargitay) questions the circumstances of the arrest and gathe...
but after a socialite is attacked by someone who fits the matched description, Fin begins working with a Brooklyn SVU Detective Chester Lake (guest star Adam Beach) who is convinced they are looking for the same guy. As the investigation deepens, the trail leads to a medical clinic and an ...
Law & Order: SVU, the first series spun from the powerful Law & Order franchise, is a hard-hitting and emotional drama that chronicles the life and the investigations of the elite Special Victims Unit of the New York City Police Department. Having become one of TV’s most-watched programs...