I love the first 9 years of the original Law and Order, but felt that revolving cast changes began to hurt the franchise right after they killed off Claire Kincaid. For me, the series peaked in Season 3 with some episodes that remain cutting edge and thoroughly shocking...
Law & Order: Created by Dick Wolf, Rick Eid. With Sam Waterston, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jerry Orbach, Steven Hill. Two Part drama which focuses on the New York criminal Justice System showing a violent crime investigated by police detectives and then the t
Law & Order: Created by Dick Wolf, Rick Eid. With Sam Waterston, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jerry Orbach, Steven Hill. Two Part drama which focuses on the New York criminal Justice System showing a violent crime investigated by police detectives and then the t
Lesbian Office Seductions 2: Law & Order: Directed by Nica Noelle. With Melissa Monet, Samantha Ryan, Deauxma, Dana DeArmond. Detective Melissa Monet questions victim Samantha Ryan, interrogates her, and seduces her. Samantha doesn't seem all that thrill
Chris Hicks Deseret Morning News
《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal Intent)(2001-2011),总共10季已完结,195集 , 《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury)(2005年),总共1季13集 ,被砍。 《法律与秩序:洛杉矶》(Law & Order:Los Angeles)(2010-2011),总共1季22集,被砍 在2009年还衍生出英国版,《法律与...
《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal Intent)(2001-2011),总共10季已完结,195集 , 《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury)(2005年),总共1季13集 ,被砍。 《法律与秩序:洛杉矶》(Law & Order:Los Angeles)(2010-2011),总共1季22集,被砍 在2009年还衍生出英国版,《法律与...
购买原版美剧 法律与秩序特殊受害者 Law Order 收藏版104DVD英文发音到京东JD.COM,低价正版,放心购物。网购上京东,省钱又放心。
The first run of both these series have now been released on DVD along with season two of the original series and for many it will be the first opportunity to cast an eye over the these Law & Order stable-mates. And they may possibly be disappointed. When the first series of Law &...
The Resurrection of Butchy McFabulous PG-13 Alex/Olivia Alex is back and finds her return may have come too late to save Olivia as Butchy McFabulous has sailed far, far away to parts unknown. Complete A Fairytale End PG-13 Tracey/Serena Alex/Olivia Law & Order/Law & Order: TBJ crossov...