Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 com′mon law′ n. the system of law originating in England, based on custom or court decisions rather than civil or ecclesiastical...
5.any set or series of eight adj consisting of eight parts [C14: (originally: eighth day) via Old French from Medieval Latinoctāva diēseighth day (after a festival), from Latinoctoeight] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 199...
Complete A Grand Plan PG Serena/Abbie Alex/Olivia Law & Order crossover - Olivia sends Serena and Abbie on a trip. Complete Getting Reacquainted PG Alex/Olivia Sequel to 'A Grand Plan' - Olivia and Alex finally get reacquainted. Complete Utter Nunsense PG Alex/Olivia Olivia has to hide Al...
Until that is complete, the case continues to remain open. => 在此之前,案件继续保持开放。 Pam. => 帕姆。 Are you actually considering charges? No, we're not considering anything. => 你真的考虑收费吗?不,我们没有考虑任何事情。 Not at least until the investigation is 100% complete. => ...
To complete the formulation of thermodynamics, a balance equation is needed for another state property of the system that accounts for such experimental observations as: (1) isolated systems evolve to a state of equilibrium and not in the opposite direction, and (2) while mechanical (kinetic and...
law school page where an incoming student was asking for advice on a specific topic. The best answers came from the top students. Most people will make it through law school. If your goal is higher than that, carefully sift through all advice, from students, professors and, yes, even ...
We complete the analysis by considering the rmse ratio between power-law and exponential fittings. Here, most experiments have a frequency higher than the noise bandwidth (see Supplementary Table 1 for details) and therefore frequency estimation poses no problem with either model24. Hence, we resort...
Facilitate, complete, or confirm a commercial transaction that the recipient previously agreed to enter. Provide a quote or estimate for the supply of a product, good, or service. If your message does not fall within one of the exemptions or exceptions to the consent requirement listed above,...
It took 11 h to complete a training of 40,000 iterations. With the help of transfer learning, the convergence of training was fast with a stable loss after only 2000 iterations and a final loss of 0.3530.353. The POLOpar uses the trained model for the person detection. The detection ...
To investigate the behavior of the fractional-order dynamical system, the theoretical aspect of the Caputo operator is the most complete tool compared to others, see refs. [52,54,55]. However, the kernels of the first two definitions of fractional operators are single and local [56,57,58,...