UC Davis Law in 2018, Boston University Law in 2021, Loyola Law Los Angeles in 2022, and Boston University Law in 2023, and in the spirit of academic engagement and mentoring in the area of Equality Law, we (Tristin Green, Loyola Law Los Angeles; Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Boston...
Then, like the stealthy vampires that they are, along come Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart with a cheating scandal and the seeming demise of their relationship, a romance that convinced a generation of (mostly) females that the things we read about in books can totally come true-true-true...
to keep tracking them and bring them in as close as we can [to Khod] until we also have CCA [Close Combat Attack] up and we want to take out the whole lot of them.’ The sensor operator was still grumbling about the screeners –‘I really...
“use” works in order to point the public to them, facial recognition algorithms copy faces in order to identify faces. That is, the “heart” of the copied work — a person’s face — is the part that is copied by the face surveillance systems, and the use is less transformative ...
To have standing, a person must be able to assert that she is injured by a government action or that the government has made a clear threat to cause injury to her if she fails to comply with a government law, regulation, or order. Some [specific injury] must be alleged, and it [...
” Castañeda christens the development of master theories of the world and experience for dia-philosophical comparison “sym-philosophy:”“Thus the deeper sense in which ALL philosophers are members of one and the same team is the sense in which we are all sym-philosophers: playing our ...
“Personally, I think females just aren’t as interested in nudity as men,” says co-founder and assistant instructor Lori Leatherman. “Guys just want to see something naked – they don’t care! Plus, women are afraid to be judged. Women tell me, ‘Oh, I’m just not comfortable ...
s own reasoning that monogamy is the rule, polygamy is the exception, and he is not indifferent between the two because the second is an Abrahamic sacrifice in his eyes and the first is not. Serious doubt is now cast on a variety of pervasive assumptions concerning polygamy in our culture....
144 GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND THE UGLY LAWColumbus, Ohio, provides an illuminating example. In January, 1894, the Columbus City Council approved “An Ordinance—No. 1891,” which established a large cluster of new misdemeanor offenses (Annual Report of the City Clerk). In the Columbus order of ...
Years ago people commonly believed that these and other snakes had the power to cast a spell on people. Some people become almost terrified at the thought of even seeing a rattler. Even the lover of the outdoors is compelled to. look out for these creatures. However, a few sensible ...