歌曲名《From The Ground Up》,由 Laura Shigihara 演唱,收录于《最新热歌慢摇94》专辑中,《From The Ground Up》下载,《From The Ground Up》在线试听,更多From The Ground Up相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
Laura Shigihara-From The Ground Up 422024-10 3 Leandro Aconcha-The Entertainer 192024-10 4 Martin Ermen-River Flows in You 202024-10 5 Michael Jackson-Earth Song 262024-10 6 Pianoboy高至豪-恋的感觉 452024-10 7 RADWIMPS-愛にできることはまだあるかい 462024-10 8 Richard Marx-Right Here Wa...
Laura Shigihara(劳拉・鴫原) 作曲 歌手简介 Laura Shigihara是电子游戏开发者、作曲及唱作人。她已为超35款电子游戏(包括《植物大战僵尸》《去月球》《三角符文》《魔兽世界》《反恐精英:全球攻势》《梅格与怪物》《超级食肉男孩(PS4/Vita)》《寻找天堂》和《高中物语》)作曲。Laura在艺电“All Play”品牌下...
Laura Shigihara《From the Ground Up》 欧美精心饭制精彩片段 From the Ground Up 吉林大冷面 From the Ground Up 隔壁老外 嘉华瑜伽活动 威尔仕健身 Up From The Ground MJG 【Slamacow】From The Ground Up(从头开始) Aaron_Iceier Dan + Shay Perform 'From the Ground Up' 知呼酱 植物大战僵尸:自制MV~...
Laura Shigihara,游戏界的自由谱曲人和音响设计师,植物大战僵尸背景音乐制作人,在游玩Minecraft后写下了这首歌。(以上来自贴吧) PS.OSU有这首歌,BG是是一张史蒂夫,我一直在奇怪为毛线,因为木有关注过歌词_(:з」∠)_ 今天偶然遇见,不错的歌,柑橘符合MC的意境 嘿巴扎嘿Dcc 2015年12月1日 2496 我硬是聽出了...
[All]: We are the undead! There's a zombie on your lawn There's a zombie on your lawn There's a zombie on your lawn We don't want zombies on the lawn Latest Laura Shigihara Lyrics Searching My Life lyricsJump lyricsCube Land lyricsFrom The Ground Up lyricsFirst Day lyricsThere's A...
Laura Shigihara is a video game developer, composer, and singer-songwriter. She’s created audio for over 35 published video game titles (including Plants vs. Zombies, To the Moon, DELTARUNE, World of Warcraft, CS:GO, Meg’s Monster, Super Meat Boy (PS4/Vita), Finding Paradise and High...
A while back, it was brought to my attention that there were a lot of fake “Laura Shigihara” pages popping up after Plants vs. Zombies came out… I didn’t mind at first, but then I realized that several of them were using my pictures and pretending to be me! There was even one...
所属专辑:【钢琴、纯音乐】你心怡的钢琴曲,在这里吗? 音频列表 1 Kevin MacLeod-Merry Go (单曲版) 47 2024-10 2 Laura Shigihara-Cube Land 35 2024-10 3 Laura Shigihara-From The Ground Up 42 2024-10 4 Leandro Aconcha-The Entertainer
From The Ground Up Cerebrawl IN-GAME Rigor Mormist IN-GAME Zen Garden IN-GAME Moongrains IN-GAME Trailer Theme - Part 2 Choose Your Seeds IN-GAME tsuki no koibumi On The Other Side / エピローグ~親しき仲間へ Tsuki No Koibumi 2 Jump Build A Little World With Me The Keepers Tell Me ...