Laura Mercier Artist’s Palette for Eyes ($48.00 for 0.36 oz.) contains twelve eyeshadows. The palette leans just slightly cool-toned, though there are some warmer shades included. It’s a mix of peach, brown, and plum; with more matte finishes than the average palette. Some shades seem...
#好物推荐# Laura Mercier😶 Japan in bloom eyeshadow palette 随眼皮接受光线的不同而变化的闪光粉质比较湿润、柔软如果使用刷子,请使用软毛刷~ ©️lalamakeup_official
Take a look atLaura Mercier Nude Smoky Eyeshadow Palettefeaturing 5 shades beautifully chosen to create different looks from natural to smokey eye. Laura Mercier brings you a twist on the classic smoky eye with a palette of smoldering nude hues that line, define and highlight. The shadows, lin...
【Patty Alonso】新品速递:PAT MCGRATH LOVE COLLECTION- 3 LOOKS 47 -- 10:00 App [Milly]新品速递:Terra Moons Space Chemistry Palette 38 -- 25:49 App 【Patty Alonso】丝芙兰购物清单推荐:BEST SEPHORA HOLIDAY SETS 2023 133 -- 58:38 App 【battybean】美妆年度大赏之年度眼影排名:Ranking ALL Of ...
/品牌彩妆 /波西米亚艺术眼影盘节省 4%分享该产品:罗拉玛希 laura mercier波西米亚艺术眼影盘罗拉玛希 laura mercier 波西米亚艺术眼影盘 picture color尺寸: picture color重量: 0.01kg ¥491.00 4 % off ¥604.00税后价建议价¥514.00登录 /注册账户 立即解锁专属草莓积分优惠! 1 picture color ...
Laura Mercier Gilded Artistry Eye Shadow Palette 12 色眼影盤 有6種啞緻和6種緞光眼影色調,提供從淺色到深色的豐富選擇。多用途彩妝組合能讓明眸從自然中性的日妝蛻變成艷麗誘人的晚妝,緞光閃爍的色調令所有膚色更顯美麗動人,加深輪廓和提升光澤。 Price$520 / each ...
up last year’s Laura Mercier Palette for Eyes, since four of the shades in this year’s palette are the same as last year’s (Vanilla Nuts, Guava, African Violet, and Plum Smoke). I missed out on last year’s offering, so I couldn’t be happier with my Laura Mercier Artist’s ...
更新于2012-12-05 [已过期]laura-mercier艺术家12色眼影盘(价值$88) $48 sephora : laura mercier艺术家12色眼影盘,现价$48,眼影laura mercier是专业做彩妆的牌子,因此laura mercier的眼影也秉承了易上色,不脱妆,适合日常妆容的优点 所有订单买满$50免运费 ...
Laura Mercier Velour Lip Powder $38.00 Laura Mercier Glow Powder Brush $20.00 Laura Mercier Flawless Face Makeup Sponge $28.00 Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder $42.00 Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder $128.00 Laura Mercier Light Holiday Illuminations Master Class Artistry Palette ...
Laura MercierExtreme Neutrals Eye Shadow Palette¥375.35 Neiman Marcus US官网直供 支持国内信用卡 不支持PayPal国际版 支持转运 不可直邮 去购物 ! 下单前温馨提示: 购买礼品卡或使用礼品卡支付的订单均无法获得返利;使用非本站提供的折扣码购物无法获得返利。建议您使用Chrome浏览器无痕模式(Ctrl+Shift+N)并...