Fox News Laura Ingraham: 拜登和民主党一伙把事情搞得一团糟,他们从来就不在乎普通人的生活。拜登巴不得共和党这一方搞出点什么事情来,最好是来点暴力,这样就可以把锅都甩给共和党。这也是为什么左派竭尽全力去搞川普,这样共和党选民一旦搞出点什么事情来,就可以把他们全部打成“危险的极端分子”,然后郊区选民...
There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but it's far too common, and it has been ruined, at least for me, by people like the ghastly Laura Schlessinger and Laura Ingraham. I've heard of some other Lauras I haven't liked, so my impression of this name has been ruined by the ...