Original Novella Her character is based on Laura in J. Sheridan LeFanu's original novella. Laura is, at the time of the story, 19 years old and living with her father in a remote schloss in Austria. Her life is lonely, so she welcomes the chance to spend time with Carmilla when the...
Danielle and I are both Canadian, so it’s only fitting that I leave you with one of Canada’s national treasures: The Tragically Hip, singing their song “Courage.” Images via Creative Commons license, with “Courage” artwork by Wendy at theCreate to Heal blog. On Depression, Getting P...
They are traveling the world for 7 years, painting murals across the globe to spread art, love and joy. As I could offer them a bed, we talked about life, adventures, Canada, ¡Pura Vida! and purple ;-) Chris is now on the fediverse with his#graphicNovelat ...