laundry detergent, and fabric softener. Laundry stripping is the deep cleaning process of stripping all of that residue away. The amount of nastiness that you can get out of your “clean” laundry through the laundry stripping process is both amazing and ...
In addition, I know many people get tripped up when wanting to make a homemade laundry soap recipe with fragrance, because people just say to use your favorite essential oils. If you aren't familiar with essential oils, and how to put various combinations together, I've created a resource ...
Laundry stripping is a deep cleaning method that removes residue from detergent, hard water, fabric softener and body oils from “clean” sheets, towels, and other items. Combine sodium borate, sodium carbonate and powdered detergent with hot water and soak items in a tub to strip your laundry...
This makes more work later because they still have to iron, fold and hang them on wash day, but they also use more detergent, dryer sheets, fabric softener, hot water and time. Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe How To Make Homemade Laundry Detergent Video Can You Save Money Making your ...
Recipe #1 1 quart Water (boiling) 2 cups Bar soap (grated) 2 cups Borax 2 cups Washing Soda Add finely grated bar to the boiling water and stir until it is all melted. Keep on low heat until this happens. Pour the mixture into a large, clean pail and add the Borax and W.S. Sti...
There are two different types of fabric softener, those that go in the washing machine as a liquid (and also a new crystal version by certain companies), and also those that go in the dryer. There are obvious differences between these two types of laundry supplies, so I've separated them...
Over the past couple years I have been researching ways that I can cut down on the amount of toxins in our home. Recently I have switched to a more natural laundry detergent and fabric softener. I thought I would share what I am using now and how that is going. (Note: I purchased ...
Recipe: How to make your own laundry detergent The recipe is so easy. You can have laundry soap ready to go in 5 minutes or less. Here are the steps: Step 1:Combine all of the following: Two parts washing soda (Let’s start with two cups of washing soda) ...
and if Yes, at what point in the recipe? I am going to add that scent to the liquid fabric softener too! You can never have enough of that scent!! Reply Bren January 17, 2020 at 3:33 pm You can add essential oils but the scent will wash out with the laundry water. I would ...
I love this recipe for aScented Vinegar Fabric Softener Rinsefrom One Good Thing. It's only made of two ingredients, (vinegar and mint) and is an all natural alternative to fabric softener. (Don't worry, the clothes don't come out smelling like vinegar!) ...