Rosemary and mint is a perfect scent combination for laundry, in my opinion. It is fresh while still being subtle enough not to act like perfume. With six cups of water, this recipe would make a fair few bottles of fabric softener, and since you only need two tablespoons in each wash, ...
This two-ingredient natural laundry booster recipe and softener is nontoxic, natural, cheap and so easy to make! Let's get started. Top 10 Cleaning and
I use the standard recipe but add a whole container of Purex fabric softener crystals in my detergent. It gives it a nice smell and makes my laundry soft without using softener sheets in the dryer. Dingy by: Anonymous I made my own powdered laundry detergent with borax, Fels Naptha, an...
Learn what laundry stripping is and follow this easy recipe to remove built up residue and odor from sheets, towels and other fabric items.
Recipe #1 1 quart Water (boiling) 2 cups Bar soap (grated) 2 cups Borax 2 cups Washing Soda Add finely grated bar to the boiling water and stir until it is all melted. Keep on low heat until this happens. Pour the mixture into a large, clean pail and add the Borax and W.S. Sti...
To make aDIY fabric softenerand scent booster, use epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils.Follow this linkfor a detailed recipe. It uses natural ingredients for a safe and effective product. The recipe highlights the benefits of natural essential oils for laundry scent. It also gives tips...
Do You Have A Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe To Share?I have provided four recipes for homemade laundry detergent above, but I know there are many other laundry detergent recipes currently in use successfully in households all over the world....
Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe This Homemade Fabric Softener with Vinegar and Hair Conditioner Recipe is about as easy as can be! You won’t believe how much money you’ll save! DIY Wool Dryer Balls I love my wool dryer balls. I can’t even imagine doing laundry without them!
Recipe: How to make your own laundry detergent The recipe is so easy. You can have laundry soap ready to go in 5 minutes or less. Here are the steps: Step 1:Combine all of the following: Two parts washing soda (Let’s start with two cups of washing soda) ...
Over the past couple years I have been researching ways that I can cut down on the amount of toxins in our home. Recently I have switched to a more natural laundry detergent and fabric softener. I thought I would share what I am using now and how that is going. (Note: I purchased ...