By August 1942, doubts began to emerge regarding the overall utility of both the Bath and Laundry units. It was believed that the effectiveness of these units depended heavily on the Division’s location and the availability of water resources. Despite their establishment, these units had only pr...
At The Ready – Ensure Continuous Availability Of Equipment And Supplies Eco-Wash – Less Material, Freshwater, Energy, And Waste Employee Discipline – Punishment Does Not Mean Improvement Tradeshows – Sales, Education, Fun, And Tax Deductions The Car Wash Show 2019 Make It Modular – The Evol...
Hansen and Hauge [32] investigated whether solar energy production impacts energy consumption practices and found that increased awareness of their surroundings (e.g., knowing when the sun is shining) helps prosumers adapt their energy consumption patterns to the availability of solar energy. The ...
We sit at the end of an era of social progress and medical care access. I look in fear at the road ahead. If the changes in our healthcare since Nov 9th are any indication, we are on a downward spiral from access and availability toward a wasteland littered with the pages of equipmen...