the jupyterlab interface opens. warning you can be logged in to jupyter for a maximum of 24 hours. after 24 hours, your user credentials expire, you are logged out of jupyter, and your notebook server pod is...
#! /bin/bash # I need to source conda source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate base # Find the interesting output in stderr mycmd='jupyter notebook --no-browser' exec 3< <($mycmd 2>&1) a=$(grep -o -m1 'http://localhost.*' <&3) echo $a # Use preferred browser here /mnt/c/Progr...
jlab 2.x support specify notebook_dir when launching the lab, such as jupyter lab ./, but the following command not function in jlab 3.0.5, it is still keep the notebook_dir specified in the global config file. jupyter lab ./ jupyter lab --notebook-dir=./ jupyter lab --ServerApp....
everytime i try to launch jupyter notebook i get a kernel error. i've tried uninstalling anaconda and installing again several times. i also tried installing through pip and it didn't help. i tried everything on #4572 and #2301. i tried everything i could find on stack overflow. jupyt...
(Jupyter) and just launching Anaconda prompt displays the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "\Anaconda3\lib\", line 168, in addpackage exec(line) File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 580, in module_from_spec Attribute...