importnet.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicvoidinjectIntoClassLoader(LaunchClassLoader classLoader){// The log4j2 queue is excluded so it is correctly visible from the obfuscated// and deobfuscated parts of the code. Without, the UI won't show ...
importcpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler;//导入依赖的package包/类@Overridepublicbyte[] transform(String name, String tname,byte[] bytes) {if(bytes ==null)returnnull;try{if(FMLLaunchHandler.side().isClient()) bytes = transformSubclasses(name, bytes); bytes = transformer.transform(name, ...
_io_handler.process_names()) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get the output for a given process or process name. :param key: The process to get the output for :type key: String, or launch.actions.ExecuteProcess """ with self._sync_lock: return self._io_handler[key] def assert...
GlobalScope.launch函数可以创建一个协程的作用域。 要加上Thread.sleep()才能正常输出,因为GlobalScope.launch每次创建的都是顶层协程,这种协程当应用程序运行结束时也会跟着一起结束,代码块还没来得及执行,所以要让程序延迟一下再结束。 GlobalScope.launch { println("codes run in coroutine scope") delay(1500) pri...
I am trying to finetune a LLM by running a finetune script ( I am using zero2_offload.json. After running the script the script automatically terminates by ...
在JavaScript开发中,当我们尝试请求一个路径时,有时可能会遇到“Failed to launch ‘xxx’ because the scheme does not have a registered handler”这样的错误。这个错误通常意味着浏览器无法识别或处理请求的URL方案(scheme)。URL方案指的是URL开头的部分,如http://、https://、file://等。 错误原因 错误的URL...
Materials Handler Aerial work platform Forklift Sugarcane Harvester More Find Similar Products By Category Supplier Homepage Products Grapple Excavator Others Grapple Excavator Jg Launch Wheeled Material Handler Excavator with Advanced Powertrain and Efficien...
1. 解释错误消息 "failed to launch because the scheme does not have a registered handler" 的含义 这个错误消息通常出现在尝试启动或访问一个基于特定协议(或称为“scheme”)的资源时,但系统中没有找到或没有正确注册能够处理该协议的应用程序或处理程序。简单来说,就是系统不知道如何处理你尝试访问的URL或资源...
2023.09.11 16:06:02 ERROR app[o.s.a.p.ManagedProcessHandler] Failed to launch process [ElasticSearch] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “” at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( ...
Failed to launch 'myapp:show?' because the scheme does not have a registered handler. how to fix this error any suggestions I will add the regsitry script also below for the referenece