通常是编写launch文件一次性启动多个节点,这次采用编写sh脚本控制多个launch文件启动,在任意路径下新建xxx.sh的文件,内容如下 gnome-terminal打开一个新的终端;exec bash,不让终端运行结束后关闭;&后台运行程序;bash -c "命令"。 多个命令可在一个终端使用: 在终端要给xxx.sh执行权限,sudo chmod a+x xxx...猜...
When startinggnome-terminalmay get following error message about missingdbus-launchbinary provided by thedbus-x11RPM. Raw ** (gnome-terminal:10968): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-krlTjkXEuY: Connection refused Gtk-Message: Failed to ...
--因为启动下面这个节点后,要接收用户的输出,因此需要重开终端, -e:执行剩下的命令rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key--> <remap from="/turtlesim3/turtle1/cmd_vel" to="/shit_vel"/> <node pkg="turtlesim" name="turtle_teleop_key" type="turtle_teleop_key" launch-prefix="gnome-terminal -e"/...
{"terminal":"gnome-terminal",// Unset LD_PRELOAD which may cause problems for sublime with imfix"env":{"LD_PRELOAD":null}} iTerm on OS X {"terminal":"iTerm.sh"} iTerm on OS X with tabs {"terminal":"iTerm.sh","parameters":["--open-in-tab"]} ...
launch. For instance, to launch thevideo editor Kdenlive, you usefuzzpak kdenliverather than, say,fuzzpak kdebecause the stringkdeappears in all KDE apps, such asorg.kde.digikam,org.kde.krita,org.kde.kblocks, and so on. The same goes for GNOME projects or projects referencing GitLab or...
launch. For instance, to launch thevideo editor Kdenlive, you usefuzzpak kdenliverather than, say,fuzzpak kdebecause the stringkdeappears in all KDE apps, such asorg.kde.digikam,org.kde.krita,org.kde.kblocks, and so on. The same goes for GNOME projects or projects referencing GitLab or...
以下做法搜集自网络,表面上看起来可用,但是隐患众多。最简单的例子:重启后gnome-terminal可能用不了了。因为很多系统工具比如gnome-terminal用了python3.5,如果把系统的python3从python3.5改到python3.6会埋藏各种隐患。最好是自行编译,对于项目中需要用python3.6的地方,通过#!/usr/bin/env python3.6来指定 ...
You can also press Alt+F2 to open the Run a Command dialog. Typegnome-terminalhere and press Enter to launch a terminal window. You can run many other commands from the Alt+F2 window, too. You won't see any information as you would when running the command in a normal window, however...
I'll never launch Weather or GNOME Calculator from the terminal. I won't ever launch Signal from the terminal, either, because it's an application I open at the start of my day and never close. Therefore, the requirements I defined for myself are: ...
Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish was published in April this year. Ubuntu users are excited about its advanced desktop features, such as support for Wayland and GNOME 42 (I will use SliM this time since I won’t play any game in this demo). But recently, some Ubuntu users say that they can...