1、可以先用Qterminal来代替 2、下载xfce4-settings sudoaptinstallxfce4-settings 问题解决
Failed to launch preferred applicationforcategory TerminalEmulator. Failed to execute child process /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/exo-1/exo-helper-1 (No such file or directory) 环境 由于Linux的自由,桌面环境搭配可以很随意,这里使用Debain10 + Budgie-desktop + Lxterminal桌面与终端进行操作,Gnome等...
Switch the emulator and choose drastic. Then try to load a game (will fail). Once donde that, go to ports and launch the drastic.sh script (it need to be copied in the ports folder to appear there). If it does not work, try to reboot and launch drastic from ports again. This ...
if you keep hitting in the terminal a to launch the emulator it will start after many error logs expo-cli 3.28.0 Contributor EvanBacon commented Oct 19, 2020 Possibly unrelated to expo-cli https://stackoverflow.com/a/36662403 seems something else is blocking expo from starting the emulator...
The Serial Console makes use of jsTerm, that uses HTML5 (WebSockets, Canvas) to render a web-based terminal emulator accessible from any browser that properly supports HTML5. To use the Serial Console, the appropriate packages must be installed on the Oracle VM Manager host so that a conn...
How to launch the iOS Simulator from Terminal? If you are building a mobile application native or html5 application it's probably a good test to run it through an emulator/simulator and depending on how you want to accomplish this, it can be done by simply using Apple iPhone simulator. Le...
换源之后 ,直接输入命令 apt upgrade ,出现"Failed to launch preferred application for category TerminalEmulator" 方法1:在全部应用程序中搜索找到QTerminal并打开,输入:sudo apt install xfce4-settings ,转载:https://blo... 查看原文 Simulating a Freight robot in Gazebo ...
Start the installer as follows: If it is not already open, open the launchpad (seeStarting the Launchpadin theInstalling Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireline Component). Note:Open a terminal emulator and log on to the DataMart server aspvuser. You mustsutoroot. Otherwise, the launch...
Ubuntu手机和电脑安装其他终端Terminal Emulator 1. Terminator 这个项目的目的是创建一个有用的工具来安排终端。它受到 gnome-multi-term、quadkonsole 等应用程序的影响,因为它专注于在网格中组织终端。 功能一览 02 在windows系统如何愉快玩耍物联网智能机器人项目案例 ...
Finally, wire together these signals from the emulator side of the isolation jumper block to the target hardware: • 5 V (if 5 V is needed) • TXD (if the UART backchannel is used) • 3.3 V • RXD (if the UART backchannel is used) • GND • CTS (if hardware flow ...