建议你再找找BIOS设置里的相关选项,设置时按照Windows 10换Windows 7的相反方向来设置,实在没办法了,再尝试2楼给的极端方案 yifan9014 欢迎关注 1 确实存在某些笔记本电脑BIOS有UEFI选项也有Secure Boot开关,但就是没有CSM这个选项!!!我的联想Z585就是这样的BIOSwin8 win10 PE优盘完全支持UEFI引导,无论BIOS如何...
2. 开启CSM的益处:开启CSM的主要好处是提高了系统兼容性。例如,一些较旧的Windows操作系统(如Windows 7)可能不支持UEFI引导模式。在这种情况下,开启CSM允许你使用传统的BIOS模式安装和启动这些操作系统。此外,某些硬件设备(如显卡、声卡等)也可能需要CSM支持才能在UEFI模式下正常工作。3. 关闭CSM的...
自行安装系统,Launch CSM选项本来就应该设置为Disabled,如果设置为Enabled会导致密匙不符,无法启动。
I put the shellx64.efi file on the 2nd partition yes and with the option in the BIOS launch efi shell from filesystem device is still not working.The file is at the root of the ESP partition as shown in the picture.What else can I try ? 0 Kudos Reply Nodens Level 16...
你这个不需要shellx64.efi和apps文件夹,你需要用已经安装好的win7 64的系统里的\Windows\Boot\EFI目录下名称为bootmgfw.efi拷贝出来,改名为bootx64.efi放到放在安装U盘的\EFI\Boot\BootX64.efi位置如果U盘根目录下没有EFI文件夹就新建一个,U必须是fat32文件系统,然后再选择从U盘启动 ...
I put the shellx64.efi file on the 2nd partition yes and with the option in the BIOS launch efi shell from filesystem device is still not working. The file is at the root of the ESP partition as shown in the picture. What else can I try ?
方法:首先设置BIOS,EFI Shell,然后重装UEFI的操作系统(建议Windows 8/8.1原版,优先光盘安装)关于BIOS设置:在退出(Exit)菜单最后一项Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device,具体操作参看主板用户手册BIOS设置章节,手册没了可在华硕网站下载电子版的。
进入bios,恢复下bios默认参数即可。要重装win10系统,直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 win10系统安装 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。具体安装方法如下:1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入...
Re:Im cant launch or reinstall windows FN + F2/F12/F11 BIOS USB FLASH WINDOWS 11 ISO Problem solved 2024-05-16 03:23:30 Re:Im cant launch or reinstall windows Hi! Feel free to post anytime when you need help later. Have a good day and take care!
My BIOS is UEFI.My windows storage is GPT, not MBR.I have tried updating storage drivers and GPU drivers.TPM is on and active.I have done sfc/scannow , DISM, and chkdsk, but no luck.Feel free to ask questions, i would love help! Feeling kinda stuck rn... Thanks!...