drank and devoured happy hour tid bits. So, there I was sitting at the bar enjoying a few laughs with a couple of friends when I saw a vision. I couldn’t take my eyes off the womanwho came into the bar.
Laugh-crying emojis similarly denote something sparks hilarity, albeit uncontrollable laughter with tears. Both effectively infuse messages with levity. Meanings and Uses of the Laughing Emoji When words fall flat conveying laughter through a screen, sender and receiver alike get assisted by embed of ...
Inside, I’m crying After completing the MA, I didn’t write anything at all for well over two years, until a good friend asked me to join her in a project: we would set each other daily writing prompts and have a rapid turnaround. Not expecting much, I said, sure, why not? That...
My daughter and I came back to California and were taken in by family. The first year and a half was amazing and tough. Full of emotional ups and downs. Many days of crying on the bathroom floor. Followed by laughter and joy just being with my family again. (I might fill in these ...