Food grain production has recorded an increase trend in the district, except maize. The highest change in production was observed in the case of Tur (0.30 Lakh M.T.) whereas the lowest change was noticed in case of Mung (739 M.T.) Out of eight food grain crops, only maize and Mung ...
An economic evaluation of market arrivals and prices of pulses in Latur district of Maharashtra stateChandanaC. M
Marketing cost, marketing margin and price spread of Brinjal in Latur district of Maharashtra stateBerkile MsSS MoreYM WaghmareAkiNik Publications
From the most basic standpoint it is a common sense equation, if we are made up of 72% plain water, then naturally the quality of the water we consume will have a very dramatic impact on our overall state of health. An inadequate intake of water, or consumption of water laced with ...
Microfinance milieu in India comprises of State institutions, which play instrumental role in creating, promoting and financing Self Help Groups (SHGs). SHGs further play a pivotal role in providing microfinance to their members at cutting-edge level....