Ducas, L., Durmus, A., Lepoint, T., Lyubashevsky, V. (2013). Lattice Signatures and Bimodal Gaussians. In: Canetti, R., Garay, J.A. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2013. CRYPTO 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8042. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.or...
Ducas, L., Durmus, A., Lepoint, T., Lyubashevsky, V.: Lattice signatures and bimodal gaussians. In: Canetti, R., Garay, J.A. (eds.) CRYPTO 2013, Part I. LNCS, vol. 8042, pp. 40–56. Springer, Heidelberg (2013) Chapter Google Scholar Fujisaki, E., Okamoto, T.: How to en...
In the proposed scheme, the bimodal Gaussian distribution, Reject sampling and other technologies have been used to improve the security and efficiency. Then, the proposed blind signature can satisfy the properties of blindness and one-more unforgeability, and it also can prove to be safe in ...
GAUSSIAN distributionDATA securityQUANTUM computingBLOCKCHAINSINFORMATION sharingDIGITAL signaturesThe Internet of Things (IoT) plays an essential role in people's daily lives, such as healthcare, home, traffic, industry, and so on. With the increase in IoT devices, there emerge many security...
An entity has to keep record for the previously signed signatures and is able to create signatures in a limited number. If there is an increase in the number of signatures, it certainly increases the size that is not beneficial for IoT devices. • Multivariate Cryptography –As an ...
key generation centers (KGC) and avoid key escrow; implements a bimodal Gaussian distribution to enhance efficiency; and utilizes an intersection technique to accomplish a true aggregate scheme and avert collusion attacks commonly occurring when more than two signers compute another ...
Discrete GaussiansWe present the first side-channel attack on a lattice-based signature scheme, using the FLUSH+RELOAD cache-attack. The attack is targeted at the discrete Gaussian sampler, an important step in the Bimodal Lattice Signature Schemes (BLISS). After observing only 450 signatures with...
We present a general framework that converts certain types of linear collision-resistant hash functions into one-time signatures. Our generic construction can be instantiated based on both general and ideal (e.g., cyclic) lattices, and the resulting signature schemes are provably secure based on ...
from a more narrow discrete Gaussian distribution on the lattice, the standard deviation can be reduced until the point where a set of many samples of the resulting distribution is likely to contain a shortest non-zero vector of the lattice. This algorithm runs in provable2n+o(n)time and ...
Discrete GaussiansWe present the first side-channel attack on a lattice-based signature scheme, using the Flush+Reload cache-attack. The attack is targeted at the discrete Gaussian sampler, an important step in the Bimodal Lattice Signature Schemes (BLISS). After observing only 450 signatures with...