whereΔUlatticeis the internal energy of the lattice structure,ΔHlatticeis the lattice enthalpy, P is a constant pressure, andΔVis the change in volume. The formation of a crystal lattice is always exothermic, meaning the value of lattice enthalpies is negative. This is because the formation...
It represents a unique function of that pattern; (ii) intermediate concepts, which are lower-level descriptors of a pattern that characterise the pattern at a more coarse-grained level; and the (iii) generic concept, which represents the generic meaning of the pattern, and is a classifier for...
Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering Reference work2013, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering M.T. StubbsII Explore book The Nature of Crystals The word ‘crystal’ is derived from the Greek κρυσταλλοζ, meaning ‘...
21–26), Au growth along transverse direction was completely blocked because Pt coating led to large lattice mismatch in these positions. Relatively, longitudinal growth along <110> was promoted and produced dumbbell-like AuNR-(AuNR@Pt)-AuNR nanocrystals, meaning that Pt enhances the migration ...
If the phonon linewidth is close to the Breit-Wigner resonance value (determined by the separation between phonon branches), phonon states can be viewed as “driven” by the scattering, meaning that the quantum coherence between the phonon states can be preserved. Otherwise, κC is small, ...
Fault-tolerant quantum computation using lattice surgery can be abstracted as operations on graphs, wherein each logical qubit corresponds to a vertex of the graph, and multi-qubit measurements are accomplished by connecting the vertices with paths betwe
Now the physical meaning of the term quadratic in momentum is evidently just a surface energy. We also note that the coefficient b, the effective bare tension, contains both an interaction term (m) and the relative chemical potential (j).13 Therefore the bare tension may be chosen by ...
Here, the convention is used where the ionic solid is separated into ions, meaning the lattice energies will be endothermic (positive values). Another way is to use an equivalent but opposite convention, wherein the lattice energy is exothermic (negative values) and described as the energy relea...
Tilings of the plane come in two types- periodic, meaning there is a pattern formed by the tiles that is repeated regularly throughout the plane, otherwise known as wallpaper tilings, and aperiodic. Here, only periodic tilings will be used. This is the classical setting for tiling, and as...
Chemistry of Materials 26, 2307–2312 (2014). 5. Bruns, G. et al. Nanosecond switching in GeTe phase change memory cells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 043108 (2009). 6. Boniardi, M. & Ielmini, D. Physical origin of the resistance drift exponent in amorphous phase change materials. Appl. ...