Boryczko, K., Bubak, M., Kitowski, J., Mościński, J., Pogoda, M.: Molecular dynamics and lattice gas parallel algorithms for transputers and networked workstations, EUROMECH Coll.287, Sept. 21–25, 1992, Cagliari, Italy; also Transport Theory and Statistical Physics , 23 , 1–3...
t (19) The application of Eqs. (9) and (10) [44] allows evalua- tion of the macroscopic fields and recovery of the adiabatic dynamics with a Mach-number-dependent compressibility error of . If the BGK assumption (Eq. 13) is adopted the Boltzmann Eq. (12) is discretized ...
Band intensities were quantified with Molecular Dynamics Phosphorimager 445SI. The components of the open core initiation assay were the same as those of the standard open core replication assay except that the initiation assay contained 2.5 mM GTP and lacked cold ATP, CTP, and UTP, and [32P]...
Jacek KitowskiJacek MoscinskiRenata SlotaSpringer, Berlin, HeidelbergBoryczko, K., Bubak, M., Kitowski, J., Mościński, J., Słota, R.: Lattice gas automata and molecular dynamics on a network of computers, in: W. Gentzsch and U. Harms (eds.), Proc. of High Performance ...
Approaches in Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Financial MarketsComputational Approaches to Solving Differential EquationsComputational Simulation of Groundwater FlowComputational Studies of Adsorption on Nanoparticles and 2D-MaterialsComputational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics ProblemsComputations in Mathematics,...