This survey provides an overview of lattice-based cryptography, the use of apparently hard problems on point lattices in R n as the foundation for secure cryptographic constructions. Lattice cryptography has many attractive features, some of which we now describe. ...
cryptography field. The study of the lattices has increased during the last years, and due its properties, it has been considered as a new method for obtaining both security and simplicity. This paper will cover the lattice-based cryptography ...
In recent years, lattice-based cryptography has been recognized for its many attractive properties, such as strong provable security guarantees and apparent resistance to quantum attacks, flexibility for realizing powerful tools like fully homomorphic en
In this chapter we describe some of the recent progress in lattice-based cryptography. Lattice-based cryptographic constructions hold a great promise for post-quantum cryptography, as they enjoy very strong security proofs based on worst-case hardness, r
PDF 引用 收藏 摘要原文 Abstract Modern lattice-based cryptosystems require sampling from discrete Gaussian distributions. We review lattice based schemes and collect their requirements for sampling from discrete Gaussians. Then we survey the algorithms implementing such sampling and assess their practical...
Accept all cookies Abstract The RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) cryptosystem is a widely used public-key cryptographic algorithm in information systems and computer applications. With the advancement of lattice theory, a technique known as the lattice-based method has emerged as a significant threat to...
在编译器中,数据流分析(dataflow analysis)常常通过lattice来表达其中的抽象值。有讲数据流分析的编译...
Specialization:MANET, Machine Learning, Cryptography Mr. Anand Mehta MS (Computer Science), PG (Computer Application) Member ofIEEE Sr. DEVOPS Engineer, Department of AOS, Apple INC, United States of America. Links:Google Scholar Specialization:Cloud Computing, Data Science, Security ...
基于Lattice的验证方环签名改进算法研究.pdf ComputerEngineeringandApplications计算机工程与应用 基于Lattice的验证方环签名改进算法研究 赵洪建 ,达汉桥 ,胡元明 ZHAOHongjian,DAHanqiao,HUYuanming 1.武汉大学 后勤服务集团,武汉 ~30072 2.武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 ,武汉 430072 3.武汉大学 数学与统计...
Evolution of Quantum Cryptography in Response to the Computational Power of Quantum Computers: An Archival View International journal of information security: a bibliometric study, 2007–2023 25 March 2024 Introduction The study of lattices traces its roots back to the eighteenth century, gaining computa...